The NEW HotSense™ range of TOFD transducers now offer our customers the ability to perform weld inspections, including weld root corrosion and defect detection and sizing with the key advantages of
- Operating across a wide continuous operating temperature, -55 to +350 °C without duty cycling or cooling.
- Compatible with commercially available high temperature scanners from mainstream manufacturers including EddyFi Technologies, Jireh Industries and AUT Solutions.
Our TOFD transducers come with integrated wedges, offering refracted beam angles of 50°, 60° and 70° in steel, determined at a surface temperature at 200 °C.
6 MHz, 6 mm crystal diameter, 70° refracted angle at 200 °C – the higher frequency improves the measurement resolution and high nominal probe angle helps to reduce the dead zone near the surface. Recommended for wall thickness up to 25 mm.
5 MHz, 6 mm crystal diameter, 60° refracted angle at 200 °C – balancing detection resolution and penetration depth across the temperature range. The nominal probe angle of 60° make it suitable for wall thickness from 15 mm to 30 mm.
5 MHz, 6 mm crystal diameter, 50° refracted angle at 200 °C – The lowest probe angle makes it suitable for thicker parts, up to 70 mm.
But how does temperature affect your measurements and wedge angles? Download our latest blog to find out.